Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sincere Apologies

Dear Readers, firstly  , I had like to apologise for keeping this blog un-updated . I have been busy with school and exam , even now during the June holidays , I still can't really rest well ... I am heading for UK later for a 10 days school trip in London and I thought I could use sometime off to put some update on the blog . Lets see what I can share with you guyz within five minutes for now .... Well , last week was a K.L school trip and the next day after I was back from M'sia , was sports day . It was close to the birthday of a friend of mine, and thus , I gave that friend a bday present of which I bought the previous week . My , when I handed my friend that gift , I felt extremely wierd ! Cuz to be true , it was my first time I took the effort to buy a birthday gift for a friend. Usually , I would just wish them "Happy Birthday " and say "God bless " . However it was my first time I actually worried myself on what present I should get for a friend !! Well , that should be all for me , will tell ya more abt things when I am back !! Byes , God bless !! :)